Uploading images is recommended but NOT mandatory.
Select one photo for each piece of art you are entering in the show.
The name of the photo file should include your last name followed by the title of the artwork. For example, if your name is "Maria Rivera" and the title of your artwork is "Beautiful Artwork" the file name should be RiveraBeautifulArtwork.jpg. For sculpture it should be RiveraBeautifulArtwork1.jpg and RiveraBeautifulArtwork2.jpg to represent the front and side of the sculpture.
Only JPEG (.JPEG, .JPG, .jpeg, or .jpg) photos are accepted. Your photos should have a resolution of at least 300ppi (pixels per inch). Photos should be at least 2400 pixels or 8 inches on the longest side. Maximum upload size is 5MB. If you exceed the maximum file size or are including the wrong file type your entry may not go through.
NOTE : If you are adding images from your mobile device, no need to name the file, just add it in order of entry submissions.
NOTE : All submitted images are approved by the artist to be posted on social media, whole or cropped, for publicity purposes by the El Paso Art Association with credit given to the artists.
The artist retains all copyrights to their photographic images without exception and may add watermark if desired.
All artwork must be for sale. The Crossland Gallery will collect and pay state sales tax and retain 30% commission on sold artwork.