Peace Point Capacity Building Grant Application
Completed applications must be submitted through this online form by 12:00pm on Friday, September 13th, 2024 in order to be considered.
Section I: Applicant Information
1. Organization Name
2. Organization Type
501c3 Nonprofit
Fiscally Sponsored Nonprofit
Tribal Government or Organization
3. Fiscal Sponsor Agency
If you are fiscally sponsored, please enter the name of your fiscal sponsor organization. Fiscal sponsorships must be formally documented by a written agreement between the two entities. This documentation is not required here but may be requested by Imagine Justice Project for verification if the applicant is selected for funding.
4. Federal EIN#
If fiscally sponsored, please enter the EIN for your fiscal sponsor here. Otherwise enter the EIN for the primary applicant agency.
5. Annual operating budget
Enter the annual operating budget for the fiscal year which includes January 2025.
6. Organization Website (if applicable)
7. Organization Physical Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
8. Organization Mailing Address (if different from above)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
9. Primary Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
10. Primary Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
11. Primary Contact Email
12. Is Primary Contact the Executive Director or other senior leadership position with the power to sign contracts on behalf of the organization?
No (Proceed to Question #13)
Yes (Skip to Question #16)
13. Executive Director Name
First Name
Last Name
14. Executive Director Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
15. Executive Director Email
Section II: Organization Background & Overview
There are no character limits to these questions. Please make your answers clear and concise, but be sure to fully answer each question. We suggest approximately 1,500 characters per question.
16. Mission, vision, and values
17. History, background, and overview of programs or services. Include a brief explanation of where in Pierce County your services or programs are offered.
18. Describe how your staff (or team) reflects the identities and/or experiences of the primary populations you serve. Include how you measure or evaluate this.
Section III: Project Description & Alignment
There are no character limits to these questions. Please make your answers clear and concise, but be sure to fully answer each question. We suggest approximately 1,500 characters per question.
19. PRIORITY POPULATION: Are you currently serving youth at the highest risk of being impacted by gun violence in Pierce County? If so, how do you define and identify these individuals? If not, how do you plan to define and identify these individuals?
20. CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECT: Please describe your proposed capacity building project. Clearly explain how this project will enhance your organization's ability to serve youth in Pierce County at the highest risk for gun violence. Specifically, how will this project expand the number of youth the organization is able to serve, expand the types of services provided, improve the quality of services provided, and/or improve the efficiency at which the organization is able to provide services?
21. ANTICIPATED TIMELINE: The grant period begins November 1, 2024 and ends June 30, 2025. Explain how you intend to implement your project during this time frame.
Section III: Budget
22. Amount Requested
Note: Maximum request amount is $25,000
23. BUDGET NARRATIVE: Please describe in detail how you anticipate using these funds to complete your capacity building project. Make sure to include whether or not any outside funding will be used, and if so from what sources. Note: no outside funding is required.
There is no character limit to this question. Please make your answers clear and concise, but be sure to fully answer the question. We suggest approximately 1,500 characters.
24. Project Budget
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Completed applications must be submitted by 12:00pm on Friday, September 13, 2024
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