Workforce Development Application for Hauora Primary & Community Care 2025
Kia ngātahi te waihoe, ka huri te kei o te waka, whatiwhati ngaru.
Haere ki tua, papapounamu te moana. E topa, e rere ki uta!
To support and strengthen primary and community care, Te Whatu Ora has dedicated funding to grow, nurture and develop a skilled and diverse workforce that chooses healthcare as a lifelong career. This application is for Kaimahi who work in a Hauora Māori provider.
Please note management endorsement by a provider comes with the expectation that any travel and accommodation to undertake this course is provided by the employer.
Please click here for more options if you work in a different primary and community care provider or setting. This fund is contestable and limited.
Close Monday 4 November at 5pm.
Funding is available for Kaimahi working in a Hauora provider to undertake:
1. course relevant to their current or future practice and mahi.
2. workforce innovation initiative relevant to community and primary care.
3. undergraduate or postgraduate training.
Funding Process:
1. Submit application form before Monday 4 November at 5pm.
2. The panel may contact you to kōrero about your application.
3. Receive email notification of outcome by Monday 18 November 2024.
4. Complete your enrolment or mini-innovation proposal by Friday 13 December 2024.
Papaki kau ana ngā tai o mihi me ngā tai o manaaki ki a koe.