We will not share any information about you or your child, family or participation in SPT groups with anyone outside of Seattle Play Therapy.
Although we will discuss with the group the importance of respecting one another’s privacy, we cannot guarantee that personal information shared within the group will not be shared by others participating. Also, for groups that meet online, your privacy may be further compromised as it relates to others overhearing you in your space or in other people’s space.
SPT groups are not a healthcare service, meaning that the legal protections of confidentiality for healthcare information do not apply to Groups. However, since the group facilitators are mandated reporters, we are still required by law to disclose certain information including suspected abuse or neglect of children under RCW 26.44 or suspected abuse or neglect of vulnerable adults under RCW 74.34.
As part of groups, photos of artwork and play-based creations can be taken for consulting, teaching, research, and educational purposes. Any photos taken would be de-identified and not connected with you or your child’s personal information. Unless you explicitly state to the SPT team otherwise, by consenting to groups you give your permission to SPT to take photos of and use de-identified artwork and play-based creations in published works or presentations for educational purposes.