CT Teacher Residency Program 2025-2026 Application
Please fill out as much as you can and then submit it. Items with stars are required for submission. You will be required to go back and to complete the entire form prior to acceptance.
First Name
Last Name
Current Street Address
Please type your current street address here. If applicable, please include an apartment or unit number.
Current Town
Current State
Current Zip Code
Permanent Address
If your permanent address is different from your current address, please enter your permanent address here.
Daytime or Cell Phone Number
Please enter daytime or cell phone number where you can be reached.
Home/Alternate Phone Number
Please another phone number where you can be reached.
Program of Interest
Elementary (grades 1-6)
Special Education (PreK-12)
Middle Grades Math (grade 4-8)
Region of Interest
ACES (New Haven and Middlesex Counties)
CES (Lower Fairfield County)
CREC (Hartford and Tolland Counties)
LEARN (New London County)
EdAdvance (Litchfield and Upper Fairfield Counties)
EastConn (Tolland and Windham Counties)
Current Position
Associate Instructor
Early Childhood/Preschool Teacher
Other Non-Certified
Current Employer
Please enter your current employment details including company/school name and dates of employment. If you have checked other in the Current Position above, please also add your current role. Example: Teaching Assistant, Smalley School, 9/2022-present.
Browse Files
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Please upload a current resume here.
College Transcripts
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Please upload all college transcripts here. If you earned your degree(s) at an international institution, please upload a course by course evaluation from an approved evaluator listed at this page: https://portal.ct.gov/sdecertification/Knowledge-Base/Articles/Educators-from-Other-States-and-Countries/How-do-teachers-from-other-countries-apply-for-certification-in-CT?language=en_US
Undergraduate GPA
Please enter your cumulative undergraduate GPA from when your degree was awarded.
GPA Waiver (required for GPA below 3.0)
Any candidate who has a GPA below 3.0 must complete a written statement providing an explanation of extenuating circumstances that may account for your GPA and how you have grown/changed since then. (500 words or less) The committee will review the waiver statement to determine a decision regarding approval or denial. Candidates will be notified of a decision in writing and all documentation of approved requests will be kept in the candidate's file.
Race/Ethnicity (select all that apply)
Hispanic or Latine/x
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Asian American
Prefer not to say
Other Race or Ethnicity
Prefer not to say
Reference Letter 1
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Please upload a reference letter here. One of the three reference letters must be from a current supervisor.
Reference Letter 2
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Please upload a reference letter here. One of the three reference letters must be from a current supervisor.
Reference Letter 3
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Please upload a reference letter here. One of the three reference letters must be from a current supervisor.
SAT, ACT, GRE, or Praxis Core Score Report
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Please upload a copy of your SAT, ACT, GRE, or Praxis Core scores here. If you need a copy of your SAT score report, please go to https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/scores/send-scores-to-colleges/sending-archived-sat-scores.
If you could borrow up to three characteristics or qualities from a favorite teacher, which would you bring into your teacher practice and why?
This is your writing sample. Please complete it in a word processing document (eg, Microsoft Word, GoogleDoc,etc.). This should be your own original work and should not exceed 500 words.
Please select all of the ways in which you heard about the Teacher Residency Program.
Radio ad
Resident or alumni
My principal or school staff
My district
Email marketing
TV ad
Virtual Information Session
Please review the information in this section, and then indicate your agreement with the information by checking the boxes below. For purposes of these questions, the following definitions apply:
* "Sexual misconduct" means any verbal, nonverbal, written, or electronic communication, or any other act directed toward or with a student that is designed to establish a sexual relationship with the student, including a sexual invitation, dating, or soliciting a date, engaging in sexual dialog, making sexually suggestive comments, self-disclosure, or physical exposure of a sexual or erotic nature, and any other sexual, indecent, or erotic contact with a student. * "Abuse or neglect" means abuse or neglect as described in Conn. Gen. Stat. 46b-120, and includes any violation of Conn. Gen. Stat.53a-70 (sexual assault in the first degree), 53a-70a (aggravated sexual assault in the first degree), 53a-71 (sexual assault in the second degree), 53a-72a (sexual assault in the third degree), 53a-72b (sexual assault in the third degree with a firearm), or 53a-73a(sexual assault in the fourth degree).
Have you ever been the subject of an abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct investigation by any employer, state agency, or municipal police department (answer "no" if the investigation resulted in a finding that all allegations were unsubstantiated)?
Have you ever been disciplined or asked to resign from employment or resigned from or otherwise separated from any employment while an allegation of abuse or neglect was pending or under investigation by the Department of Children and Families ("DCF"), or an allegation of sexual misconduct was pending or under investigation or due to an allegation substantiated pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. 17a-101g of abuse or neglect, or of sexual misconduct or a conviction for abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct?
Have you ever had a professional or occupational license or certificate suspended or revoked, or have you ever surrendered such a license or certificate while an allegation of abuse or neglect was pending or under investigation by DCF or an investigation of sexual misconduct was pending or under investigation, or due to an allegation substantiated by DCF of abuse or neglect or of sexual misconduct, or a conviction for abuse or neglect or sexual misconduct?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime (answer "no" if you have been the subject of any arrest, criminal charge, or conviction, the records of which have been erased)?
Are criminal charges pending against you?
I affirm that the information provided above is true and correct. I understand that if I knowingly provide false information, I may be subject to denial of acceptance from the program.
Even if you have not completed the entire form, please hit submit. You will be able to go back and continue the form using the link in the automatic email you will receive after submitting your application. You will be required to submit a fully completed form before acceptance.
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