The extended care program fees are approximately $8/hour, billed monthly. The parent/ guardian agrees to pay these fees through their FACTS billing account. Failure to make payment may result in disqualification from extended care. Extended care will be closed whenever Crosshill Christian School is closed (holidays, half days, and snow days). Students and parents in the Extended Care Program will also abide by the Crosshill Christian handbook.
Before School Care
- The parent/guardian must enter through the main office and sign in your child each morning.
After School Care
- The parent/guardian must enter through the main office and sign out your child each afternoon/ evening.
- Only authorized adults on your student’s FACTS pick-up list will be able to pick up your child.
- If the child develops a fever or appears to be ill, parents will be asked to come pick up the child immediately.
- In the event of an emergency, the ASC Program has the permission of the parent/ guardian to administer first aid or emergency medical treatment if necessary.
- Late fees will be charged via FACTS for late pick up. Please respect staff’s time and be prompt for pick up. If there is an emergency and you are running late, please call the school and let us know (503) 391-9082.
- If methods of discipline and parent meetings are not enough to correct disruptive behavior, the child may be removed from the program by the director if necessary.