The Executive Board positions open for election this year are:
VP Operations: 2-year term
VP Financial: 2-year term
VP Administration: 2-year term
Vice President Finance - The Vice President Finance shall manage the financial
operation of the Corporation by keeping full and accurate books of account of the
Corporation, preparing annual statements of the finances of the Corporation for the
Annual Meeting, and issuing cheques on behalf of the Board.
Vice President Operations – The Vice President Operations receives and reviews all
membership requests, handles incoming funds from Members, issues registration
applications and cards, and provides membership data to the Board as required.
Additional responsibilities include human resources, policy development, bylaws,
Quest for Gold and appeal management.
Vice President Administration – The Vice President Administration handles
correspondence, maintains an updated system of the Corporation’s documents and
records, and takes minutes at all meetings. The Vice President Administration shall
issue notice for meetings, be responsible for internal and external communications
and will assist the President as required.
September 7, 2024 Deadline for Nominations of open positions.
Please note our Nomination Policy 4.4 in our by-laws on what is required for a nomination:
Nomination - Any nomination of an individual for election as a Director will:
a) Include the written consent of the nominee by signed or electronic signature;
b) Be submitted to the Registered Office of the Corporation seven (7) days prior to the Annual Meeting.