Gold Sponsor – $2,000
- Includes green fees for four (4) people
- Two (2) golf carts for team
- Meal and Drink Tickets for four (4) people
- Hole Sponsor (2x)
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Inclusion in Social Media before/after tournament
- Promotional Item(s) to be included in Gift Bag
Silver Sponsor – $1,500
- Includes green fees for four (4) people
- Two (2) golf carts for team
- Meal and Drink Tickets for four (4) people
- Hole Sponsor
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Inclusion in Social Media before/after tournament
- Promotional Item(s) to be included in Gift Bag
Bronze Sponsor – $1,000
- Includes green fees for two (2) people
- One (1) golf cart
- Meal and Drink Tickets for two (2) people
- Hole Sponsor
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Inclusion in Social Media before/after tournament
- Promotional Item(s) to be included in Gift Bag
Ball Sponsor – $2,000 (Limit 1) - SOLD OUT
- Logo on all Tournament Golf Balls
- Includes green fees for four (4) people
- Two (2) golf carts for team
- Meal and Drink Tickets for four (4) people
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Inclusion in Social Media before/after tournament
- Promotional Item(s) to be included in Gift Bag
Breakfast Sponsor – $1,000 (Limit 1) - SOLD OUT
- Signage throughout the tournament
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Inclusion in social media before/after tournament
Lunch Sponsor – $1,000 (Limit 3)
- Signage throughout the tournament
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Inclusion in social media before/after tournament
Beverage Sponsor – $1,000 (Limit 2)
- Business Name/Logo displayed on Beer Cart for the day
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Sponsor to receive 24 Drink Tickets to use at their discretion
Golf Cart Sponsor – $1,000
- Business Name/Logo on Cart Sponsor Signage
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- Inclusion in Social Media before/after tournament
Putting Green Sponsor – $750 - SOLD OUT
- Special Signage around Putting Green
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- New Putter will be given to winner
Closest to Pin Sponsor – $750
- Special Signage around Putting Green
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- New Putter will be given to winner
Longest Drive Sponsor – $750
- Special Signage around Putting Green
- Corporate Logo on Event Signage
- New Putter will be given to winner
Hole Sponsor – $500
- Business Name/Logo on signage at one hole
- Opportunity to advertise hand out promotional items or information at hole
Raffle Prize Sponsor – $250
- Business Name/Logo on signage at one hole