Park Slope Afterschool Center Financial Aid Application
Park Slope Afterschool Center Corp. (PSACC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded by PS 107 parents for the specific purpose of providing an affordable quality, after-school-time childcare program for PS 107 students.
Each year, PSACC provides financial assistance for the Afterschool Program through partial or full grants. Applicants must complete the PSACC Financial Aid Application and provide documentation of financial need. Exceptions exist for students protected under the McKinney Vento Act for students in temporary housing.
Please carefully read this application. Make sure the information you provide is complete and accurate. You will need to submit this form completely by August 20th, 2024 at 11:59pm to have financial aid begin on the first day of school. Rolling applications are accepted through out the year, and can take 2 weeks to process.
If you have a question/issue, please reach out to Pamela Rosenberg at
We look forward to seeing you in September!