Exotic Patient History Form
Full Name
Pet's Name
Age/Date of Birth
How long have you had your pet?
How did you obtain your pet (pet store, breeder, previous owner, rescue, other)
Appointment Date/Time
Appointment Type
Reason for visit
Please list all the current medications and supplements you give your pet
Do you need any refills on the medications you listed?If so, please list the medication name, dosage, and quantity needed.
Where is your pet housed for the majority of the day? (Caged, Free Roam, Outdoors, Other)
Describe your pet’s environment/enclosure (type, size, toys, substrate, furnishings, etc.)
Is your pet housed with any other animals? If yes, please describe species, breed, gender
Is your pet supervised when outside of their enclosure?
What do you feed your pet? (Hay, Pellets, Fruits, Vegetables) Please provide brands, quantity and frequency.
Water Source (tap, filtered, bottled, other)
Do you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior at home?
Does your pet chew on carpet or any other objects/materials when outside of their enclosure?
Is there anything else you would like to address during your visit?
Past Medical History (including diseases, conditions, and prior surgical procedures) Has your pet been seen by any other veterinarian for any of the current problems? If yes, please list clinic.
Should be Empty: