Children are asked to adhere to the following agreement.
As a Artz 4 Life Academy Afterschool Participant, I promise to:
1. Always treat others with respect.
2. Use only polite, kind words.
3. Always listen to and respect the Afterschool staff.
4. Respect Recreation Center property.
5. Respect other people and their property.
6. Always keep my hands and feet to myself.
7. Always ask permission before leaving the Afterschool area.
8. Avoid fighting, bullying, and teasing others.
9. Follow the Afterschool schedule.
10. Always resist peer pressure.
11. Take responsibilities for my actions.
12. Always stand up for my beliefs.
13. Always resolve conflict nonviolently.
14. Respect other people's cultural/racial/ethnic background.
15. Always help others when they are in need of help.
16. Always tell the truth.
17. Always clean up after myself.
18. Be proud of who I am.
19. Always try my best.