Distance: 1.8 miles
Bikejor and Scooter
Rig and Canicross
Classes will race in the following order:
2-minute intervals between racers (wheeled classes).10 minutes between all classes.All classes will use the 2-mile trail.
Entry Fees:
Entry Fee Per Class:
1-dog bikejor = $29*1-dog scooter = $29*2-dog bikejor = $32*2-dog scooter = $32*4-dog rig = $38*Canicross (age 18+) = $29Canicross (age 12-17) = Free to Jr. CDMA Members
*$5 entry fee discount for ISDRA Members
Racers must be current members of Chugiak Dog Mushers Association.You may be withdrawn from the race with no refund if found to be a non-member on race day. Join on-line at
Thank you for participating in this CDMA event!