Photography students will enjoy taking photographs using compositional layouts and Photoshop. They will study recognised photographers from Aotearoa; unpacking what makes their work unique. Extension in Photography includes still-life photoshoots and product printing for a business.
Food Technology students are responsible for researching processes and materials in kai production. They will enjoy intensive planning sessions that will have them cooking weekly. These students will learn kitchen routines, health and safety and the technology processes.
Digital Technology students will partake in programming, coding, and digital printing - stickers or 3D taonga. Through positive digital citizenship and digital fluency, students will gain the skills and responsibility of learning to use their technology-driven powers conscientiously, and with empathy, to help make the world a better place.
Fashion Technology students will learn about applique techniques and enjoy making hand-stitched products such as hot wheat bags and cushions. Students will enjoy progressing to the sewing machine and learning about seams and other sewing applications. They learn about design in fashion and study fashion designers from Aotearoa.
Visual Arts students will enjoy drawing, painting, and note-taking on recognised artists from Aotearoa. Extension in Art includes weaving and printmaking. Students take home a realistic painting of their pounamu creation using techniques such as glazing and layering.
Te Ao Haka is a culturally responsive art form, providing opportunities for all akonga to engage in Mãori culture, language, and traditional practices. In Te Ao haka you will learn tikanga, knowledge systems, and iwi traditions through wänanga and performance. Through performance, akonga can explore foundation skills, creativity, expression, and refinement.