INO Chorus Expression of Interest Form
Please fill in the form below if you are interested in auditioning to work with the INO Chorus. We will send you more information on how to apply for an audition as soon as the next round of auditions has been scheduled.
First Name
Phone Number
Are you currently based on the island of Ireland?
Voice type
Please indicate below which roles you would like to apply for:
INO Company Chorus
INO Extra Chorus
Have you previously sung in the INO Chorus
Please tick the box below to confirm that you are happy for INO to contact you by phone or email in relation to Chorus auditions
I consent to INO contacting me by phone
I consent to INO contacting me by email
Optional - Upload your CV
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
If you would like to provide us with more information about yourself at this stage, please feel free to upload your CV. You will still be asked to resubmit your CV when the applications open for the next round of auditions.
Optional - Share recording links
If you would like like to provide us with video recordings, please insert YouTube or Vimeo links here. You will still have an opportunity to resubmit recording links when applications open for the next round of auditions.
Should be Empty: