The Mentor Role at OSPREY Camp
The mission of OSPREY Camp, which stands for Opportunities for Stewardship Promoting Respect for the Environment and Youth, is to provide meangingful outdoor experiences for all of our youth and adult participants. At OSPREY Camp, 5th & 6th grade students attend a overnight outdoor school experience with their teacher and their class. The role of our high school Mentor is a vital component to our program. Through a competitive application process, high school students are screened, selected, and trained to ensure they are exemplary role models who can provide a safe and positive OSPREY Camp experience for our students.
The influence our Mentors have on our 5th & 6th grade students is profound. Our students look to their Mentors for guidance and direction. The success achieved by our students is in direct proportion to the enthusiasm shared, dedication shown, and positive attitude maintained by our Mentors. With the assistance of their Mentors and teachers, students study a variety of environmental and ecological concepts, via hands-on lessons and activities, and apply them to the natural world. Living onsite at OSPREY Camp provides a safe and supportive environment for the development of social, emotional, and life-learning skills. Along with the direct supervision and support of our adult OSPREY Camp Staff, Mentors provide hands-on care, behavior management, and supervision during their time at camp.
All high school students who successfully complete the OSPREY Camp Mentorship Program will earn 105 certified community service hours. *Kent School District Students Only: High school students who successfully complete the OSPREY Camp Mentorship Program will be eligible to receive a 0.5 Career & Technical Education credit. Students will gain valuable career exploration opportunities and hands-on learning experience while working directly with 5th grade students from the Kent School District community.
Mentor Training: To ensure our Mentors are thoroughly prepared, all applicants are required to attend our Mentor Training (MT). Trainings are either an overnight, two-day training event, or a 1-Day Training held at a KSD school. Both will equally prepare you to be a mentor. Our Mentor Training Weekend provides new mentors the oppurtunity to bond with other Mentors and familiarize themselves with the OSPREY Property before their week of camp.
Mentor Trainings provides potential Mentors the opportunity to gain hands-on knowledge and experience in our instructional areas, learn exemplary teaching, communication, and leadership skills, participate in camp program activities, gain knowledge and experience in behavior management strategies, and better understand the active role our Mentors play in the overall success of our students and the OSPREY Camp program as a whole.
Please Note: You cannot attend a week of OSPREY Camp without attending Mentor Training. There are no exceptions.