STATEMENT OF ACCOMPLISHMENT (Submit as a separate document)
In an essay (1,000-word max), outline the nature of the event, its impacts on the organization, how the organization responded and recovered, how it supported employees, customers, and the community, and the lessons identified.
Judging criteria:
- Identifies the scale of the incident and impacts to the organization, as well as to employees, customers, the community, and other stakeholders.
- Demonstrates:
- How the organization maintained and recovered operations,
The effectiveness of the organization’s business continuity plans and how they may have been adapted to the specific incident,
- How the professional practices were leveraged and aligned with response and recovery, and
- How the organization supported employees, customers, and the community.
- Provides examples of lessons identified, how the organization implemented initiatives to improve their business continuity capability for future incidents, and to address business risks more generally in the organization.
- Where possible, include concrete and specific examples, data, and metrics to describe impacts, response and recovery activities, and outcomes.