1. The nature and purpose of the operation or procedure, possible alternative methods of treatment, the risks involved and the possibility of complication have all been explained to me. I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me concerning the results of the operation or procedure. I understand the nature of the operation or procedure to be: Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation which may include but are not limited to any of the following procedures: comprehensive oral evaluation, dental x-rays, prophylaxis, crowns (stainless steel, composite, or zirconia), composite restorations, sealants, space maintenance, and primary or permanent teeth extractions which will be performed by or under the direction of Dr. Emilee Sexton, DMD.
2. I consent to the administration of treatment that may be considered necessary or desirable in the judgment of the dentist performing the procedure and I will not be notified of necessary changes or additions to the procedure until after the procedure is completed.
3. I consent to the administration of general anesthesia in order to complete the above named procedure as given by the medical staff of the medical facility.
4. I consent to the disposal by authorities of any tissues or parts which it may be necessary to remove.
5. The risks involved in the performance of the above described procedure include but are not limited to: pain, bleeding, swelling, infection, dry socket, drug reaction, trismus (limited mouth opening), damage to adjacent teeth and/or restorations, tooth lodged into tissue space, root tip fracture, bone or jaw fracture, temporary or permanent numbness or tingling associated with the lower lip and/or tongue, need for additional procedures, sinus exposure, and reaction to local anesthetic. These risks have been explained to me and I understand them fully.
I have read and had explained to me this consent form and I fully understand the contemplated procedure and the risks involved.