Pre-Operative Instructions
you are on Blood Pressure-Medications, please take your medication as prescribed the entire week before your procedure AND on the day of your
procedure. If your blood pressure is too high at the time of surgery, we may not be able to proceed.
If you are Diabetic, please test and record your sugar levels on the morning of your procedure. Also be sure to BRING your testing material with you
in case we need to check your levels before and after the procedure.
Medication will be prescribed prior to your procedure. You will need to bring this with you on the day of your Lipo procedure-DO NOT TAKE THIS
MEDICATION BEFORE ARRIVING AT OUR OFFICE. The nurse will administer your first dose.
Please arrange for reliable transportation AND a responsible adult to be with you following your procedure. You will not be allowed to drive home
after the procedure and you should have someone with you to help and monitor you for 24-hours.
You MUST have a light meal 1 to 2 hours prior to the procedure. You cannot fast prior to your office liposuction procedure. Having a light meal will
help with taking your medication-this should include carbohydrates (oatmeal, pancakes,a sandwich,a bagel,pasta,etc) as they help you absorb your
medication. If you have the procedure on an empty stomach, you increase your risk of fainting. Also we ask that you do not drink Coffee, Tea, and or
Orange juice, just a half a glass of water at most.
Bring warm socks the day of your procedure as our procedure room can get very cold-they will become stained after the procedure, wear a sports
bra, and a dark pair of underpants to avoid staining.
You should have a plastic covering for your vehicle and bed sheets post procedure-for at least the first 24 hours. You can get disposable dog training
pads for this purpose (sold at Wal-Mart, Target, etc
Please verify with us whether you are on any medications prior to the procedure.
Avoid 10 days beforeprocedure:Aspirin,Aleve,Advil,Ibuprofen,Naproxen, (any NSAID pain relievers), Vitamin ,Multivitamins, Ginseng, Ginger, and
Ginkgo Biloba, Flaxseed, Herbal & Natural Remedies, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Omega-3, Marijuana, Bc Powder. No Alcohol 48 Hours before procedure.
(These are all blood thinners and can not be taken before the procedure).
If you are a smoker, please inform us-heavy smokers should not undergo this procedure since smoking can significantly affect the healing process.
Social or light smokers must refrain from smoking for at least one week prior to the procedure. If we detect any tobacco odor the day of your
procedure, we will not be able to proceed.
Inform us of any allergies, especially to antibiotics or pain medications.
Do not apply any creams or make-up to the area(s) being treated on the day of the procedure.
Please remove any piercings/rings present in the areas(s) to be treated.
Drink plenty of water for the week leading up to the procedure, at least 6-8 tall glasses/Day-Avoid drinking a lot of fluids the day of the procedure and
please empty your bladder just prior to the procedure.
Wear loose fitting clothing. Make sure that the clothes you wear are not your favorite clothes-they will become stained after the procedure. (For
women: Please wear a Sports Bra).
Shower with Hibiclens the day before and the morning of your procedure, in the areas being treated.
If you have gained over 5 pounds from the date of consultation, then your surgery will be rescheduled.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the doctor's office at 1-(832-955-1221).
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