International Theatre eXchange 2024 Shows and Artists
We are really looking forward to welcoming you to the 31st International Theatre eXchange. If you require additional support in completing this form, please contact
Show Details
The details provided below will be used for the Contact Book and a password protected DropBox for all event attendees in advance so that you can connect before presenters get to Ireland. This information will only be made be available to companies, artists, and other presenters registered for International Theatre eXchange 2024. We might also share these details with presenters not attending ITX 2024 who we think might be interested in your work.
Show Name
URL of Show Listing on
Page Number in Brochure
Artist Name OR Company/Collective Name
Don't worry if you don't have a company/collective- just fill in your own name here.
Company/Collective Website (if applicable)
Tagline describing yourself/company (25 words or less)
Attendee 1
Name of Attendee 1
First Name
Last Name
Email of Attendee 1
Job Title of Attendee 1
This means job title as it pertains to the show you're working on (i.e. Writer, Lead Artist, Producer, Actor, etc.)
Phone Number of Attendee 1
Preferred format: +353 (0)1 670 4906
Please specify if there are any access requirements that we should be made aware of in advance of the event.
Access requirements can include additional space for mobility aids, large format printing, ISL interpretation, additional breaks, etc.
Please Upload a recent Headshot of Attendee 1. Be sure to title your photos clearly (i.e. Katherine Murphy_IrishTheatreInstitute).
Browse Files
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Attendee 2
If there is only one attendee from your show, please leave this section blank.
Name of Attendee 2
First Name
Last Name
Email of Attendee 2
Job Title of Attendee 2
This means job title as it pertains to the show you're working on (i.e. Writer, Lead Artist, Producer, Actor, etc.)
Phone Number of Attendee 2
Preferred format: +353 (0)1 670 4906
Please specify if there are any access requirements that we should be made aware of in advance of the event.
Access requirements can include additional space for mobility aids, large format printing, ISL interpretation, additional breaks, etc.
Please Upload a recent Headshot of Attendee 2. Be sure to title your photos clearly (i.e. Katherine Murphy-IrishTheatreInstitute).
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Please note, by submitting this form you are consenting to possibly being photographed or filmed as part of the event. This material may be used for promotional purposes and for reporting to funders.
Should be Empty: