Prefered hotel
Clarion Hotel Helsinki
Address: Tyynenmerenkatu 2, Helsinki
Single Room Rate 130€ / room / night
Double Room Rate 150€ / room / night
Rates include tax, Clarion buffet breakfast, internet access, and entrance to Top Floor fitness center, saunas and swimming pool during opening hours.
Reservations are to be made via the following reservation link:
All reservations from the allotment are to be made latest 8.9.2024. Each guest reserves and pays for their own accommodation and the room account is to be settled directly at the hotel prior to departure.
Second choice hotel:
Holiday Inn Helsinki West Ruoholahti
Address: Sulhasenkuja 3, Helsinki
DRAFT Program:
Monday 30 September
Morning Travel from the Netherlands to Finland
13:10 Arrival to Helsinki
13:45-14:15 Transportation to the hotel
14:15 Hotel check-in
14:45-15:00 Walk to Business Finland networking event
15:00-17:00 Networking event followed by reception hosted by Business Finland (pre-registration)
17:15-17:30 Transportation to the residence.
17:30-19:30 Welcome dinner
Tuesday 1 October
9:00-17:00 Seminar Wind Finland 2024
17:15 Cocktails
18:30-01:00 Dinner and Evening Event
Wednesday 2 October
9:00-11:30 Meetings with different developers
11:30-12:00 Transportation to the airport
13:55-15:20 KLM flight to Amsterdam
Suggestion for flights:
Amsterdam-Helsinki, 30 September, departure: 9.50, arrival: 13.10
Helsinki-Amsterdam, 2 October, departure: 13.55, arrival: 15.20