Party Details:
The Senior All Night Party admission includes food, games, entertainment, and bus transportation from RHS to Legacy 925 in Oxford and back to RHS.
- All students are required to ride the bus to and from Legacy 925. Buses will begin loading at 10:15 pm.
- Student ID will be required for admission. No bags or purses will be allowed.
Permission and Waiver:
I hereby give my permission for my son/daughter (named above) to attend the Rochester High School Senior All Night Party on Tuesday, May 27th, 2025.
I understand that games and activities will be available which may pose certain risks to the participants. I hereby assume such risks for the student identified hereon and waive and hold the Rochester Community Schools, the Senior All Night Party Committee and volunteers, Legacy 925, and its employees and operators providing the games and devices harmless from liability relating to the use of such games and devices.
I acknowledge that the RCS Student Code of Conduct will be enforced at the event.