Boat Hire
You are responsible for and agree to the following:
JetSki Hire
The following policies must be followed at all times.
Standup Paddle Boards & Kayaks
Please read the following very carefully:
General Hire
You have selected yes to one or more medical questions that may affect your ability to dive in QLD without clearance from a medical practitioner.
Please call us immediately to discuss this on 07 5444 5656.
You will need to do a refresher or PADI Reactivate before you can dive.
PLease call us immediately to dicuss on 07 5444 5656
Please read the following points carefully.
Hire Terms and Conditions
Unfortunately we are not able to take you on our vessels due to the risk of affecting your pregnancy
Please call us immediately on 07 5444 5656 to inform us of the nature of your injury, illness or medication.
This is an open ocean swimming activity that can be strenueous at times. Please be advised that if you are unable to move independantly through the water we may need to ask you to stay on the boat.