The Department of Environmental Quality is looking for private well owners in the South Fremont County area to be sampled for nitrate and bacteria. This service is free of cost to well owners.
Why nitrates?
Nitrate is the most widespread contaminant in Idaho’s groundwater. The contaminant comes from fertilizers, septic systems, livestock operations, and industries including food processing. Exposure to nitrate and nitrite has been linked to health problems including methemoglobinemia (in infants less than 6 months old), an increased risk of certain types of cancer, reproductive issues, endocrine disruption, and allergic reactions.
Sampling data are used to define areas with high nitrate concentrations and to develop strategies for improving groundwater quality.
If you would like to be involved with this sampling event fill out the following form below or call DEQ contact and request a paper form to fill out. Sampling will occur from late August through October, 2024.
Common Questions:
1. Q: Will DEQ hold me legally responsible for anything that might be found in my water?
A: NO, this service provided by the State provides well owners with an indicator of the health of your well. Results get incorporated into a regional nitrate assessment.
2. Q: Will DEQ make me pay for some kind of treatment system for my water?
A: NO, DEQ does not regulate private (household domestic) drinking water or irrigation wells. You will receive the sample results and decide if you need to take further action.
3. Q: Will my name be used in the results?
A: NO, DEQ needs contact information to get permission and send results. DEQ is sampling the aquifer, not your well. Your well will be identified by the location number assigned to your well.
If you have any questions, please contact Kim Roush at the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Falls Regional Office at (208)-528-2650.