As an employee of an entity doing business with the Community Care Program (CCP), you represent the public face of your employer and the Illinois Department on Aging. It is your responsibility to provide service in a professional and ethical manner to the older adults who receive services as participants in this program.
have reviewed the Limitations on Marketing and Recruiting Activities , Under the Community Care Program Policy/Power Point and acknowledge my understanding of and responsibility to comply with the following non-exhaustive list of requirements under the CCP as set forth by federal and State laws, the 1915(c) Medicaid Waiver for the Elderly, regulations/rules, policies/procedures, the provider service certification, and the provider service agreement:
An individual may choose at any time to not receive services for which eligibility has been determined
An individual has the right to select a provider of his or her choice based on availability in the service area at any time during participation in the CCP. All information about an individual's case is to be kept confidential under the CCP. This information may be used ONLY for purposes directly related to the administration of this program. This information cannot and should not be shared between provider agencies. Confidential case information includes, but is not limited to, the following items: Name, SSN, Date of Birth, Address, Medicaid Number and Status, Family/Guardian Name(s) and Contact Information, Phone Numbers, Financial Account Numbers, and Medication(s) or other health information. This information may be maintained in any form or medium (i.e., electronic, oral, or paper Confidentiality continues beyond the termination of employment. The CCP prohibits the use of unsolicited telephone calls (cold-calling) and door-to-door solicitations; sales activities at community meetings, educational events and health care facilities; and cross-selling of non-CCP-related services to current and prospective program clients. Failure to comply with program requirements may subject you and/or your employer to sanctions imposed by the Department or other government officials with oversight responsibilities. Possible sanctions include, but are not limited to: Participation in additional mandatory trainings. Imposition of a ban on continued employment in the capacity as a caregiver under the CCP and other publicly funded programs in Illinois.
Placement of name on the Adult Protective Service Registry.