"I am responsible...
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of A.A. always to be there.
And for that: I am responsible"
If you have a prooblem with alcohol and are leaving a treatment or detox facility, please fill out this form and you will be contacted by a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. As you know, one of the more "slippery" places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the facility and the nearest A.A. meeting.
"Bridging the Gap" is a contact program designed to assist you to make the transition from a treatment or detox facility to A.A.
The purpose of "Bridging the Gap" is to supply you with a contact when you get home from the facility. The way it works is, when you are leaving a facility and you want to contact A.A. we will put you in touch with a member who will introduce you to your local Alcohlics Anonymous community.