Promo Pack Order Form
It's great to hear that you're looking to promote Scouts and your Group. Please let us know if you need any other promotional or marketing help, especially if there's something we could add to our promo pack that would be a hit with kids. If you only want certain materials, or extra materials, please note the special section towards the bottom.
Mailing information
Please note that this is for the purposes of Australia Post, not Scouts NSW
Contact email
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number. This is needed in case the postman has trouble delivering.
Your name
Your real name, not your Scout name (it's happened more than once!).
Your Group's name
Where are we sending this Pack?
Street address or PO Box number
Street address line 2
Suburb / Town / City
When do you need this Pack by?
We use this date to understand the urgency of the request, and please allow 10 working days for packing and postage if possible.
What would you like in your Pack?
A5 Booklets
A6 Free Trial cards
Free Trial business cards
A3/A4 Posters
A4 Colouring-in sheets
Other goodies (wristbands, balloons, etc)
Do you need any extra materials?
Extra Information
The below is not necessary, but can help us understand what section your promoting and any feedback you may have.
What section are you promoting?
Why are you requesting this Pack? Tick all the apply
Need more promotional materials
We have an upcoming festival/fete/community event
General recruitment drive
If other, please tell us more
Do you have any Promo Pack feedback?
What would you like to see? What's popular? What's missing?
Please verify that you are human
Should be Empty: