The foregoing questions have been fully considered by me/us, even if the answers are NOT in my handwriting. Those which are not in my hand writing have been read by me and I hereby confirm that all answers are true and correct. I advise that the information in this application is true and of full disclosure and it is upon this basis that this application is made. Verification may be obtained from sources named herein and credit and personal enquiries may be made at any time.
I acknowledge that this application is subject to the approval of the owner/rental provider. I declare that all information contained in this application is true, correct and not misleading, and given of my own free will. I declare that I have inspected the premises and am not bankrupt or otherwise insolvent.
I authorise the agent to obtain personal information from:
(a) The owner or the managing agent of my current or previous residence;
(b) The referees listed in this application;
(c) Any records, lists or databases of defaults by tenants;
If I default under the lease, the Agent may disclose details of any such default to a tenancy default database and to agents/landlords of properties I may apply for in the future.
I consent to the Agent using and disclosing my personal information:
(a) to communicate with the owner and select the tenant
(b) to prepare, or have prepared, lease / tenancy documents
(c) to allow organisations/tradespeople to contact me in relation to the property
(d) to liaise or make arrangements with StatutoryAuthorities in relation to the Property (where applicable)
(e) to allow proceedings to be commenced and conducted with Tribunals/Courts (where applicable)
(f) to brief and instruct collection agents/lawyers (where applicable)
I am aware that, if the information is not provided or I do not consent to the use and disclosure of my personal information for the above purposes, the Agent cannot progress my application for the lease/tenancy of the property. I am aware that I may access my personal information by contacting the Agent.