Please carefully read before agreeing to and signing electronically via this form.
For reference:
DEGA - Dubai Elite Gymnastics Academy
Aspire - Aspire Gymnastics Dubai
I, undersigned, in the capacity of parent / guardian or 18+, hereby give consent to my child(ren), as named below and here referred to as 'my child' / 'myself', to train at DEGA Al Quoz or Aspire Dubai.
(1) I consent to my child/myself participating in the Cheerleading sessions organised by UAE Allstars taking place at DEGA Al Quoz or Aspire.
(2) I waive, release and discharge liability to DEGA Al Quoz or Aspire and UAE Allstars employees, volunteers and representatives for personal injury or any accident caused as a result of my child/myself negligence or as a result of my child/myself disobeying instructions whilst participating in an activity/event.
(3) I certify that my child/myself is physically fit and I know of no physical reason, illness or medical condition to which would preclude my child/myself participation in DEGA Al Quoz or Aspire and UAE Allstars camps, training or events.
(4) I fully understand the risks associated with my child/myself participating in the cheerleading sessions including but not limited to accident, personal injury, injuries unknown and unanticipated, paralysis and death.
(5) I hereby declare that I now have and will continue to provide personal health and accident insurance for my child/myself, covering injury treatment in the event an accident happens during an activity/event organised by DEGA Al Quoz, Aspire and UAE Allstars.
(6) Should the need arise I hereby give my consent to DEGA Al Quoz, Aspire and UAE Allstars, its employees, volunteers and representatives to provide medical treatment or seek medical help including transportation, which may be deemed advisable in the event of a injury, accident, and/or illness during participation at an activity/event.
(7) I hereby waive, release and discharge liabilty to DEGA Al Quoz, Aspire and UAE Allstars its employees, volunteers and representatives for personal injury or any accident whether caused by the act, omission, negligence or fault, active or passive, direct or indirect of any of their employees, volunteers, and/or representatives, or from any other cause. I hereby also agree not to institute any form of legal proceeding in any jurisdiction againt the above names.
(8) I understand that no responsibility will be accepted by DEGA Al Quoz, Aspire or UAE Allstars for any loss or damage to property or valuables of my child/myself.
(9) I understand that photography and video-photography is not allowed in the gymnasium in normal training sessions, except by the UAE Allstars members of staff.
(10) I understand that fees are non-refundable unless the event has been cancelled by DEGA Al Quoz, Aspire or UAE Allstars.
(11) I understand that coaches may have to make physical corrections to my child/myself to aid progress and for safety measures during each session.
(12) I understand that other participants will have to have physical contact with my child/myself due to the nature of the sport and skill sets learnt in Cheerleading.