Summer ExploreAg Application
Deadline to Apply: April 30, 2025
ExploreAg is Ohio Farm Bureau's signature agriculture literacy and workforce development program offering free week, multi-day, and day-long immersion experiences for high school students. In ExploreAg, students learn about agriculture and related STEM fields through hands-on experiences with industry experts, scientists, and educators.
Any Ohio student who will be entering 9-12 grade in the fall or will be graduating high school this spring is eligible to apply for ExploreAg.
While past ExploreAg participants are welcome to apply again, they must recruit a fellow peer to also apply who is new to ExploreAg.
Application Content
Before you start your application, review below what you can gather and prepare ahead of time.
1. Student Information (contact information, t-shirt size, past ExploreAg participation)
2. Parent/Guardian Information (contact information & option to add educator contact information if applicable)
3. Session Preferences: Identify your top session preferences (up to 4)
4. Experience & Essay Questions: *Overnight Sessions Only*
- List leadership, community, & volunteer activities.
- List school-related honors, recognition, & awards.
- Essay: Outline one agricultural career you are interested in learning more about and why. (max. 1,000 words)
- Reference: name & contact information (Identify someone who is not a family member or relative who can speak to your character.)
All ExploreAg programming is offered FREE to students thanks to the generosity of sponsors through the Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation who believe strongly in cultivating the next generation of curious and inquisitive agriculturalists.
New this year: There will be a $50.00 refundable application fee for ExploreAg that will be refunded when students check-in for camp this summer. This fee will secure your seat until you arrive at camp. If you cancel or withdraw from camp within 30 days of the start of camp, the application fee will not be refunded. If the $50.00 application fee is a financial barrier, there are scholarships available to offset the cost of the fee. Reach out to if you are interested in applying for a scholarship.
ExploreAg sessions are typically each capped at 30 students to ensure accessibility of quality hands-on experiences.
Due to high demand and limited capacity, students must apply and be selected to participate in summer ExploreAg sessions. Applicants will be asked to identify their session preferences (up to three) and will be notified by May 1 of selection results. Priority will be given to first time ExploreAg participants.
Communication Moving Forward
Parent/guardians are seen as the primary point of contact regarding communication from ExploreAg staff to student campers. However, for added visibility, students will often be included alongside their parent/guardian on all major camp communications.
Email will be the main form of communication prior to camp. The following will all be communicated via email to the parent/guardian:
- Notification by May 1 as to if/which summer camp experience your student was accepted to attend. - RESPONSE REQUIRED to confirm spot
- Required emergency medical & release forms -MUST SUBMIT prior to camp
- Important camp logistics (arrival/departure details, packing list, etc)
Tip: Parent/guardian, be sure to check your email inbox and spam folder regularly for communication from Ohio Farm Bureau leading up to camp.
An Ohio Farm Bureau staff will follow up with a phone call to a parent/guardian for situations including but not limited to the following:
- Error message received when an email attempt is made
- Failure to respond to required requests made via (accept/decline camp session spot; submit required paperwork)
- Clarification is needed regarding a request for special accommodations
Tip: To ensure open lines of communication, be sure to double check that the parent/guardian voicemail box is both set-up and not full. If an Ohio Farm Bureau staff does reach out, it will likely be via a Columbus number that has a (614) area code.
Deadline to Apply: April 30, 2025