Sacred Journey is an online container, offered four times a year aligned to the cycles and seasons of the Earth, to reconnect and embody your inner wisdom, gaining more clarity of your own connection to self compassion and self-healing through community, teachings, meditation, hypnotherapy and the shamanic journey.
Autumn Sacred Journey
"There is something so special
in the early leaves drifting from the trees
– as if we are all to be allowed
a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again.”
– Ruth Ahmed
Embracing the Autumn season can be a powerful teacher, urging us to understand our own transitions, let go of what no longer serves us, and reclaim our innate wisdom. As we turn inward to our own “autumn” in Sacred Journey this season we will continue to discover and re-imagine our relationship with the Four Immeasurables, in particular that of Equanimity. The falling leaves and the earthy aroma of the damp soil in Autumn signify the beauty of impermanence, in which we can learn to harness and bring in to our own lives.
What To Expect:
Insightful Meditations
Guided Journeys
Self Reflective Inquiries
Self Care Practices
Dharma (education) Teachings
Sangha (community)
Live & Recorded gatherings, available for replay
Methods of meditation, Pranayama (breathing practices), subtle body energy along with therapeutic techniques of Depth Hypnosis and Earth based wisdom will bring you into a wider scope of awareness, connection and integration. Dharma (education) teachings provide a foundation that builds within and upon each gathering, while the Sangha (community) allows a co-creative space to move more fully into our shared humanity, healing.
Gatherings for Autumn:
Saturday 10/5
9-12p PT
Saturday 10/12
9-12p PT
Wednesday 10/16
4:30-5:30p PT
Please complete the application below.