New Customer Rental Agreement
We prebill and ask for the first 2 months up front-for security purpose, we will call and verbally get the card from you to start service.
***IF YOU ARE "JUST ASKING" FOR PRICING- Please call our office at 845-452-3939*** (Please don't complete this form)
Primary Customer Name
First Name
Last Name
Service Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Primary Contact Number
Primary E-mail(please provide valid email and not "junk" email as invoices get sent via email and could result in stop service)
Secondary Customer Name
First Name
Last Name
Secondary E-mail
(Primary's) Date of Birth
(Primary's) Last 4 of social security #
(Primary's)Name of Employer
Property Info
Please Select
Personal property(own & living at)
Renter(renting FROM landlord)
IF RENTER-Landlords name & contact number (**needed in order to set up)
Do you want to be on automatic payment?
Service Requested
1 Garbage/1 Recycle
2 Garbage/1 Recycle(addl charge for extra container)*senior rate not eligible*
Large commercial dumpster(approved by RDS depending on location/accessibility)
ELIGIBLE FOR DISCOUNT?! ***Proof of ID needed to lock in discount. (unfortunately, we do not offer a teacher discount at this time) Send copy of ID to
Please Select
Senior-65 and up (no more than 1 garbage/1 recycle)
Please add to your email contact to ensure emails do not go to spam.
---Pricing---By signing this section, you are acknowledging the that the price charged is based on current market rate and is subject to change. The price you pay is for the approved items that fit inside the containers. We do not do bulk pick up and for our driver’s safety, they do not get out of the truck for items left on the side of the containers. Additional containers may be purchased at an additional cost per month. Recycle Depot reserves the right to update your monthly rate based on the current market and labor cost.
---Payment responsibility---By signing, this section, you are accepting payment responsibility for as long as containers are on your property. By signing you are also acknowledging that all invoices are DUE UPON RECEIPT. Late charges will be charged to unpaid invoices every month after 30 days from the invoice date. Fee schedules are at the bottom of every invoice and statement sent. (Please double check your spam/junk folders.) Service may be suspended for non-payment and a $30 reinstatement fee will be charged to your account and the account will stay on stop service until balance is paid in full. (If you have not received your invoice, please call Recycle Depot and we will resend one.) Fees still apply to accounts even if invoices went to spam or correct email was not updated with the office. Returned checks will be charged a $30.00 bank fee. If you are on Auto Charge-3rd card decline will result in a $30 bank fee as Recycle Depot gets charged a fee for every decline. Auto charge customers MUST sign the Credit Card Authorization form.
--Container Placement Rules---By signing this section, you are acknowledging the placement requirements by Recycle Depot such as...Ensure there is NOTHING BLOCKING the containers (ex: parked car)Please make sure there is plenty of SPACE BETWEEN EACH CONTAINER AND PROPERTY. (this will help to prevent damage to your property and the containers. The automated arm is like a claw, it opens to grab the container, then closes on the container to lift it up. We need space to be able to grab the container and when the driver brings the container back down, we don’t want to damage the mailbox if it’s too close.)The containers need to be facing the street with OPENING OF THE LID FACING STREET OR HINGE SIDE AWAY FROM STREET. (Once the driver has picked up the container and starts to lift it to the truck, the lid then opens to release the items inside. If the cans are facing the wrong way, this will increase the chance of flying debris. With the lid closed, as requested, this creates an enclosure to keep the items contained.) Our trucks don’t have the ability to pick up BULK ITEMS or EXTRA ITEMS that are too big to fit in your containers. Please break down cardboard boxes to fit in the container. If you need to get rid of bulk items, you are more than welcome to bring those items to our location at 230 Van Wagner Rd. Poughkeepsie. This is an additional fee, not included in your residential bill. If you have multiple bags that do not fit inside your container, please call our office. (For our driver’s safety, our drivers do not get out of the trucks)
---Drivers/Pickup/Missed---By signing this section, you are acknowledging that all containers MUST be out the EVENING BEFORE your normal pick-up day and following all the rules under container placement. Our office staff rely on the drivers' notes and pictures if containers are not out or inaccessible for pick up. If a driver stated “not out”, unfortunately containers will be picked up the following week. Recycle Depot is not responsible for knocked over cans due to wildlife or inclement weather-please be sure cans are upright to receive service in these particular situations. If an unforeseen situation happens with our driver or weather, the office may inform customers via our website, Instagram (@recycledepotfacility),, or an email to the customers. Recycle Depot only observes SIX holidays that may impact your pickup day. If you are unsure how a holiday impacts your service, please check our website/Instagram/Facebook for the most up-to-date information.
Rental starts from delivery of containers until containers are returned to Recycle Depot undamaged and balance is paid in full.
---Cancellation Policy---By signing this section, you are agreeing to the terms that from first payment at start of service, you are agreeing to the responsibility of renting containers from Recycle Depot until all containers have either been removed by Recycle Depot. Customer is responsible for paying the balance in full in order to cancel and discontinue charges. Cancellations under a year of service will be charged a $50 early cancellation/labor charge. Recycle Depot needs at least a 2 week notice to get the containers on the schedule for removal BEFORE you leave the property. Equipment MUST be returned undamaged. In the event that it is not available to us to removal, Recycle Depot will charge $175 per container plus tax for replacement of equipment.
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Should be Empty: