Welcome to our Local Initiative Petition. This petition embodies the spirit of animal rescue and community empowerment, aiming to address specific needs and issues within our locality.
We the people of Madison and Marshall counties are TIRED of cleaning up other peoples messes! We are TIRED of animals not receiving appropriate shelter, food and medical care in our communities. We are TIRED of the endless stream of puppies and kittens born and dumped at over crowded shelters, and in the laps of regualr folks and rescues struggling to help. We are TIRED of our tax dollars being used to euthanize healthy, innocent animals for space.
It is evident by the outrage expressed by members of the community on social media and also expressed by the many rescue organizations located in Madison and Marshall Counties that our approach to animal control and welfare in our communities HAS TO CHANGE. There are puppies with a euthanasia date as soon as they are brought in. 60 days from the day they are surrendered. This is UNACCEPTABLE!

We need to stop using funds for any other unnecessary expenditures until we have addressed the OUT-OF-CONTROL animal issue, and the inhumane murder of innocent animals at the fault of our State.
This includes the escalating amount of HUMAN deaths that have occurred due to inappropriate standard of care and containment laws.
It is our proposal with this petition that a standard of care for animals that are considered property in our communities be defined and regulated. It is also our proposal that 2 larger more effective shelters be built as soon as possible in Marshall and Madison Counties, that their funding be increased to meet the need, and that a separate adoption and foster mechanisim be part of that expansion for each county.
The puppy in the photo below died in July in Madison County. he died 3 days AFTER animal control was called multiple times. The officer had no choice but to leave him there in an overheated house with no air, no food or water BY LAW, with only the weak and ineffective directive that they would "follow up in 3 days." When they came back (because of community calls and emails) this puppy had already DIED a horrible senseless PREVENTABLE death due to dehydration, starvation and heat stroke. NEGLECT. This puppy did not have 3 days. he is now DEAD and BURIED in the front yard of his neglectful and abusive owner. NO CONSEQUENCES!

A simple humane standard of care MUST be defined and enforced! The lack of appropriate water, food and shelter for chained dogs and free-roaming cats is at an all-time-low, and the entities entrusted in fighting the issues with the meager laws we have regarding standards of care are frustrated. The laws in our state render them powerless. Their hands are tied, and with no where for the animals to go the officers are forced to let the animals stay in these awful environments with an empty bowl for food and water, a huge chain around their neck, and a leaning piece of plywood for shelter. They die where they are, or go to the overcrowded shelters and die there at the tax payers expense. These animals also continue to breed because we do not have ANY spay and neuter laws, and the growth of unplanned and/or unwanted puppies and kittens in our area is exponential.
Consider the potential for positive change when community members come together to advocate for initiatives that enhance quality of life, promote sustainability, or support local businesses. From initiatives to improve public services and increase access to basic necessities like food and spay and neuter, to campaigns for animal welfare , the possibilities are endless.
By participating in this petition, you're taking a proactive stance in shaping the future of our community. Your support is instrumental in driving forward initiatives that reflect the values and aspirations of our residents, making our locality a better place to live, work, and thrive.
Many states have adopted the standard of care below

Let's unite our voices and efforts to bring about meaningful change that benefits everyone. Your involvement in this local initiative petition is a testament to your commitment to building a stronger, more resilient, and inclusive community. Join us in championing initiatives that make a positive impact on the animals in our communities, and the lives of our neighbors and future generations.