Welcome to the 2024-2025 swim season in Saskatchewan!
Swim Saskatchewan is a club-based sport. Clubs affiliate and must register all registrants (swimmers, coaches and officials) of their club as members with Swim Saskatchewan and Swimming Canada.
Membership in Swim Saskatchewan is a pre-requisite to be eligible for any Swim Saskatchewan services, programs and/or awards, funding, to compete in sanctioned meets, and for coverage under the Sask Sport (SSI) sport liability and sport accident insurance.
All components of registration are mandatory. For a club to affiliate and register for the 2024-2025 season the following must be submitted to Swim Sask:
Club Affiliation Requirements
Complete this online form which includes the club and facility declarations.
Pay the club affiliation fee. (Summer clubs: please do not pay this fee until April 2025. This fee needs to be in the appropriate Swim Sask fiscal year. Invoices will be done and sent via email in April).
Clubs will be notified via email once the club has been affiliated and activated.
REMS access forms will be sent to the applicable board members who will be required to complete and return the forms to gain access to the REMS to compete swimmer, coach and official registration: Club Registrar, Treasurer and Club Officials Adminstrator (COA). All clubs must have an individual assigned to each role.
Form Instructions
To assist you in completing this online form you will require the following information:
1. Club email address and mailing address.
2. Names, email addresses, and phone numbers for your club:
- Leadership team (board members, owner(s), Athletic Director)
- Registrar, Treasurer, Club Officials Administrator (COA)
- Head Coach and Administrator/Staff (if applicable)
- Masters Club Contact (if year round age group club also affiliates as a masters club).
- Note: Individual's contact information may be shared with other clubs (ie. contact information for meet managers will be shared with other meet managers to assist with communication).
- Note: Email addresses provided must match REMS forms and their REMS account. Please ensure you have listed the correct email address.
3. As well as:
- Your Club's Corporate registery number from Information Services Corporation (ISC). NOTE: In order for a club to affilate with Swim Sask, it is a requirement to be registered with ISC as Active.
- The names of the facilities that the club trains at (pool and dryland)
- Your Club's Social Media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, website, etc)
NOTE: Clubs must have a minimum of 5 swimmers to be considered a club.
Thank you.
Swim Saskatchewan
2205 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK