2024 CMSA of Eastern Oklahoma Clubhouse Classic
Tuesday, October 15 | LaFortune Park Golf Course
Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Confirmation Email
Are you a member of CMSA of Eastern Oklahoma?
No, but I'd like more information about joining.
CMSA Member Number, Account Name, or Company Name
Registration Options
Lunch Only :: $25.00 per person
Please Select
Lunch Only :: TOTAL
Individual Golfer
CMSA Member :: $150.00 per person
Non-CMSA Member :: $200.00 per person
Team of Four
CMSA Member :: $550.00
Non-CMSA Member :: $750.00
Specialty Hole Sponsor (CMSA Member): Includes 4-person team, signage, table/tent on the course*, and 2 additional lunches (Hole Options for Male & Female: Closest to Pin, Longest Drive, and Most Accurate Shot) :: $700.00
Specialty Hole Sponsor (Non-CMSA Member): Includes 4-person team, signage, table/tent on the course*, and 2 additional lunches (Hole Options for Male & Female: Closest to Pin, Longest Drive, and Most Accurate Shot) :: $900.00
Putting Contest (CMSA Member): Includes 4-person team, signage, table/tent on the putting green*, and 2 additional lunches :: $800.00
Putting Contest (CMSA Member): Includes 4-person team, signage, table/tent on the putting green*, and 2 additional lunches :: $1,000.00
Clubhouse Groupies (CMSA Member): Signage, table/tent at the Clubhouse*, and 2 additional lunches :: $400.00
Clubhouse Groupies (Non-CMSA Member): Signage, table/tent at the Clubhouse*, and 2 additional lunches :: $500.00
Total to be billed:
Golf Team Members
Please enter the name(s) of your golf team members below. If you do not have your team list set, please indicate "Unsure" or "N/A" and we will follow-up at a later time.
Team Member #1
First Name
Last Name
Team Member #2
First Name
Last Name
Team Member #3
First Name
Last Name
Team Member #4
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guests
Please enter the name of your additional lunch guests below. If you do not have your guest list set, please indicate "Unsure" or "N/A" and we will follow-up at a later time.
Lunch Guest #1
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guest #2
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guest #3
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guest #4
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guest #5
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guest #6
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guest #7
First Name
Last Name
Lunch Guest #8
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: