Peace Point Grant - Scoring Team Interest Form
We are seeking five individuals to serve on the grant scoring team. Each individual will be responsible for reading and scoring every application received, then attending one or more meetings with the larger scoring team to reach consensus around the funding recommendations. The total time commitment is estimated at 20 hours, but will depend on the total number of applications received and each individual's efficiency in reading and scoring applications. All work will be completed between September 13th, 2024 and October 15th, 2024. Each individual will receive a stipend of $600.
First Name
Last Name
Are you employed or have any financial stake in an organization that is applying for this grant?
Don't Know
If you answered "Yes" or "Don't Know" above, please explain
Which of the following describe you?
I have lived in Pierce County for at least five years
I live in Pierce County outside the City of Tacoma boundaries
I am a young adult under age 30
I'm an elder in my community over age 65
I have lived experience being impacted by violence
I have lived experience being impacted by systems involvement (justice system, foster care system, homelessness system, etc.)
Myself or my family members have been gang involved or affiliated
I have experienced living in poverty
I am a member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community
I identify as a person of color
I hold an identity as a member of a community disproportionately impacted by violence
I have worked or volunteered in a youth development program
I have worked or volunteered directly with youth at the highest risk of violence
I have a degree or have completed college-level courses related to youth violence reduction
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