As a student at Robert Morgan Educational Center, I am required to comply with the standards that were utilized to determine éligibility into the selected magnet program. This includes acceptable conduct, attendance, and a GPA above 2.0 in all core classes and the academy class. While enrolled at Robert Morgan Educational Center, I shall demonstrate high standards of academics, ethics, and promote the development of good character and other life skills. A model student should exhibit a high degree of decorum demonstrating respect for self, family, and all people regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, gender or physical condition, this includes utilization of social media networks. As a student of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, I commit to adhering to the academic standards, attendance policy, and code of student conduct. The following standards have been identified as being deficient at this time:
I acknowledge that attending Robert Morgan Educational Center is a privilege and not a right. I recognize that as a student, I am expected to perform per this contract and as directed by school personal and as indicated in my Student Handbook. I am fully aware that my actions may result in dismissal from the magnet program.