Abstract Subission Form
Before you begin the abstract submission process, we want to share a few helpful tips with you.
If you start the form and get interrupted, the submission will not be processed. We recommend you:
· Verify your abstract was prepared using the Abstract Template (.docx).
· Indicate the name and contact information of the actual presenter, NOT a co-author or assistant.
· Be prepared to copy and paste the body of your abstract text, as well as upload your abstract WORD file. This is helpful for the program committee during preliminary review.
Important Notes:
The Abstract Submission process is not complete until you receive a printable confirmation page and an email confirmation.
· If you do not see an email confirmation in your INBOX, please check your spam or junk folder. The confirmation comes from Hunter Perez.
· Read the confirmation carefully upon receipt, as it contains important dates of interest concerning your abstract submission.
· Please keep in mind that presenters will be asked to register and pay the conference registration fee when their abstract is accepted in order to confirm their participation.
Contact us for assistance at 352-392-5930. We are open Monday through Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time Zone.