It is the policy of the Miami Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated that all participants (youths, members, and other volunteers) and visitors must sign-in and out of its Delta Academy Youth Initiative Program (“Program”).
The required sign in/sign out procedures follow:
- The chapter shall maintain and use a daily sign in log that reflects the following: name of the youth initiative; the date; the time in and the time out; and the names of the participants, with a column for the participant and visitors to check her/their status (as member, youth, volunteer, or visitor). The form should distinguish whether a member is assisting with the Program or is a visitor/observer.
Only authorized persons (those identified in writing) will be allowed to pick up a participant from the Program. Volunteers shall refuse to release a participant to any person, whether related or unrelated to the youth, who has not been authorized, in writing, by the parent or guardian to receive the youth.
One of the following procedures shall be observed during departure and return:
a. Parents or an authorized representative will sign out youth.
b. Older youth who have written parental permission will be allowed to leave the program on their own. Members will establish a system where the youth check themselves out with an approved volunteer; the approved volunteer will ensure that the youth signed out and initial the attendance sheet.
c. When chapters provide transportation to offsite sponsored events, members will develop and implement a system to ensure that all youth participating for the day board the correct bus or other vehicle at the time of departure to and return from a scheduled activity.
Chapters should clearly communicate to parents or guardians that, if a parent or guardian wishes to arrange alternative transportation for their child to attend an offsite activity, the youth may join the group at the event or activity, but the Miami Alumnae Chapter assumes no responsibility or liability for the youth participant for any non-chapter-sponsored activity or transportation.