Federation Council - Children, Youth & Family Strategy Survey
Thank you for participating in this survey! Your feedback is essential for shaping the Federation Council's Child, Youth & Family Strategy. The information collected will help us understand the needs of children, youth, and families in our community. This survey is anonymous, and your responses will be kept confidential.
1. Where do you reside?
Boree Creek
Other - Please Specify
2. What is your gender?
Transgender, non-binary or another gender not listed here
Prefer not to say
3. Do you identify as any of the following? (Please select all that apply)
I identify as Aboriginal
I identify as Torres Strait Islander
I live with disability
I was born overseas
I am culturally and linguistically diverse
I identify as LGBTQIA+
None of the above
Other - Please Specify
4. Which of the following describes you best?
I'm a child (11 years or under)
I am a young person (12-17 years)
I'm a young person (18-25 years)
I’m a parent or carer
I am a community member
I am a service provider
Other - Please Specify
For youth
1. I am (choose the one that applies to you most of the time)
Studying at a school in the Federation Council area
Studying at a school outside of the Federation Council area
Studying at a university or TAFE
Working full time, part time or casual in the Federation Council area
Working full time, part time or casual outside of the Federation Council area
Not studying or working
2. Will you stay in the Federation Council after you finish school?
Not sure
Already finished school
3. Are you currently employed?
No, but I would like to be
3.1 What type of business do you work for?
Fast food outlet, café or bakery
Local club, pub or restaurant
Supermarket or retail shop
Tourism and accommodation
Agriculture or farming
Health care and social assistance
Childcare or babysitting
Family business
Other - Please Specify
4. Do you feel confident about your future career choices?
Yes, very confident
Somewhat confident
Not very confident
Not confident at all
5. What would help young people be more work ready?
Better access to great education and training opportunities
Improved skills and knowledge to navigate the pathways into careers
Clearer options to take them from school to training, work and further education opportunities
Support to find a job
More local work experience or traineeship options.
More secure work
Disadvantaged, or at-risk young people better supported to learn and achieve
Opportunities for young people with disability to meaningful employment
Other - Please Specify
6. Are you currently involved in any extracurricular activities such as sport, dance or music?
No, but I would like to be
7. What is your main barrier (if any) in engaging in extracurricular activities or extra activities?
Lack of time
Lack of suitable activities available in the Federation Council area
Do not feel welcome
Other - Please Specify
8. Do you belong to any of the following?
Sporting club
Drama, theatre or singing club
Guides or Scouts
Community group
Church group
Other - Please Specify
9. Which of these activities and services you aware of that the Council provides for young people?
Federation Youth Council
Federation / Miki City Sister Exchange Program
Youth focused events
School holiday activities
Public swimming pools
Public libraries
Sporting grounds
Public spaces such as parks, playgrounds and skateparks
10. Do you feel there are enough activities for young people in the community?
Yes, definitely
Somewhat, but more would be nice
No, there’s not much to do
11. Where do you usually socialise with your friends? (Select all that apply)
Local cafés, and shops
Down the street
Skate parks and playgrounds
Outdoor spaces such as parks or reserves.
Areas such as the river or the lake
Swimming pools or sports grounds (e.g. basketball courts, football grounds)
At friend’s house
At home
I don’t
Other - Specify
12. Do you feel there are enough youth-friendly places in the community?
Yes, plenty
Some, but not enough
No, not enough at all
13. What would make life in your town and surrounding area better for young people? (Choose your top three)
More organised youth specific activities and events
Life skills and education on how to live independently (cooking, financial literacy)
Culturally specific activities
More activities to connect people who identify as a person with disability, LGBTQI+ or first nations
Creative arts and intellectually stimulating activities
More outside public spaces where young people can safely hang out
A specific indoor youth space where people could go to after school
Increased access to safe public transport to the places I need to go
Access to fun activities without travelling long distances
More connections with people like me
Other - Specify
14. What are the biggest sources of stress for you?
Study stress
Stress about the future
Finance or cost of living
Feeling down or anxious
Feeling lonely
15. How do you cope with stress?
Spending time with family
Talking to friends
Recreational activities such as shopping
Exercise and wellbeing activities
Seeking support from a mental health professional
Drugs and alcohol
16. Do you feel there are enough mental health support services for young people in the community?
Yes, plenty
Yes, but limited
No, not enough
Not sure
17. Do you feel safe in your community?
Yes, always
Most of the time
No, never
18. What would help young people live healthier lives in your town?
Access to more health, mental health and allied services
Affordability health and fitness programs
More support for domestic and family violence
Better access to sexual health amenities and resources
Safer outdoors spaces to exercise and socialise
Other - Specify
19. What do you see as the key issues and challenges facing youth in the Federation Council area? (Select all that apply)
Drug and alcohol use
Smoking, e-cigarettes and/or vaping
Availability of affordable housing
Cost of living
Mental health
Feeling discounted or like you don’t belong
Social isolation
Bullying including cyber bullying
Use and impact of social media on wellbeing, mental health and identity
Environment and climate change
Access to quality education
Crime and personal safety
Managing healthy relationships
Domestic and family violence
Unemployment or access to jobs
Access to public transport
Road safety and accidents
20. Do you feel you have a say in decisions made by the Federation Council that affect young people?
Yes, a lot
No, not at all
Not sure
Not interested
21. Which of the following would you most likely be involved in?
Face-to-face discussions
Interactive websites
Social media
Written questionnaires and feedback forms
Art, posters, drama and interactive exercises
Story telling activities
Community consultation sessions or focus groups
Youth Council
Opportunities to join advisory groups of council
Inviting comments on programs or activities aimed at youth
Inviting feedback on plans for new or upgrading of venues, playgrounds, parks and public spaces
Adopting the subject as a project for a school class or other existing group
Other - Specify
22. If the Council wanted to speak with you, what would be the best place to reach you?
Via your sporting club
Via your group such as guides, and clubs
As part of your school program
Pop up sessions at places where young people hang out
Through the Youth Councillors
At community events and expos
Other - Specify
23. How would you like the Federation Council to connect with you on social media?
Other - Specify
For Parents/Community
1. How many children do you have?
Three or more
1.1 What are their ages? (pick all that apply)
Over 25
2. What is your current relationship status?
Single parent with children
In a relationship with children
Other - Specify
3. Is your child(ren) living with disability?
Prefer not to say
4. How long have you lived in the Federation Council area?
I have just moved here (less than 12 months)
I have lived here for five years or less
I here lived here for more than five years
I have lived here all my life
5. What makes the Federation Council a positive place for children, youth and families?
Access to outdoor activities such as camping, swimming, walking and fishing
There is plenty of opportunities to be involved in extracurricular activities such as sport
People work together and look out for one another; you feel part of the community
There is not a lot of crime. You feel save in your home and out and about
It is more affordable, so you can have a better quality of life
There are more chances to be independent, such as ride or walk to school, and learning to drive
Fewer cars, less traffic, fresher air and shorter commute times
Other - Please Specify
6. Which of the following have you or your children accessed in the Federation Council in last five years?
Mobile preschool
Primary school
High school
7. Please select extracurricular activities that your children participated in the past twelve months? (Please select all that apply)
Sports clubs
Other - Please Specify
8. Do you feel there are enough activities for families and young people in the community?
Yes, definitely
Somewhat, but more would be nice
No, there’s not much to do
9. What types of activities or programs would you like to see for children and families?
Social and Community
Other - Please Specify
10. How do you support your child’s hobbies/extracurricular activities? (Please select all that apply)
Provide transportation
Financial support
Moral support
Other - Please Specify
11. How far do you typically travel to support your child’s extracurricular activities?
Less than 5 km
5-10 km
10-20 km
More than 20 km
No travel involved
12. What is your main barrier (if any) in engaging in family-related activities?
Lack of time
Lack of suitable activities available in the Federation Council area
Don’t feel welcome
Other - Please Specify
13. Do you feel you have good access to health services for yourself and your children?
Yes, excellent access
Yes, but limited access
No, not enough access
13.1 What type of health services do you and your children typically use? (Select all that apply)
GP (General Practitioner)
Paediatric services
Maternal Health
Therapies such as speech pathologists and occupational therapists.
Mental health services
Other - Please Specify
14. Did you find it easy to find what services and programs are available in or to families in the Federation Council area?
Not sure
15. Are you aware Council has a community directory on their website?
16. Do you feel you and your family have adequate access to mental health support?
Yes, definitely
Somewhat, but it could be better
No, not enough support
17. Do you feel that drug and alcohol support services in your community are accessible for those who need them?
Yes, very accessible
Somewhat accessible
No, not accessible enough
Not sure
18. Has the cost of living impacted your family’s ability to access activities and services?
Yes, significantly
Yes, somewhat
No, not really
No, not at all
19. What do you see as the key issues and challenges facing families in the Federation Council area? (Select all that apply)
Drug and alcohol use
Smoking, e-cigarettes and/or vaping
Availability of affordable housing
Cost of living
Mental health
Feeling discounted or like you don’t belong
Social isolation
Bullying including cyber bullying
Use and impact of social media on wellbeing, mental health and identity
Environment and climate change
Access to quality education
Crime and personal safety
Managing healthy relationships
Domestic and family violence
Unemployment or access to jobs
Access to public transport
Road safety and accidents
20. Do you feel your community is safe for children?
Yes, very safe
Somewhat safe
Not very safe
No, not safe at all
21. Do you and your family use local library services?
Yes, often
No, but we would like to
No, we don’t use them
21.1 If you use library services, what do you use them for? (Select all that apply)
Borrowing books
Educational programs for children
Social events or activities
Accessing technology (computers, Wi-Fi)
Other - Please Specify
22. Do you and your family use local public swimming pools?
Yes, often
No, but we would like to
No, we don’t use them
22.1 If you use public pools, what do you use them for? (Select all that apply)
Swimming lessons
Swimming squads/club
Social and recreation activities
As part of your sports club training
Health and fitness
Catch up with family and friends
Water play
Other - Please Specify
23. What facilities provided by the Federation Council, do you or your family use?
Sporting Grounds
Halls and spaces
Off-leash dog parks
Other - Please Specify
24. What do you think of the mix of parks, playgrounds and skateparks for families to enjoy in the Federation Council area?
Too many
Too few
Just right
Don’t know
25. What do you think of the public spaces and halls in the Federation Council area?
Too many
Too few
Just right
Don’t know
26. What do you think of the sporting facilities for families available to people living in the Federation Council?
Too many
Too few
Just right
Don’t know
27. What do you think the social events or activities for families to enjoy in the Federation Council area?
Too many
Too few
Just right
Don’t know
Is there anything we haven’t covered that you would like the Council to know about?
Should be Empty: