Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Peer Review Council (PRC) to review and evaluate proposal submissions for the GBTA 2025 Convention.
Please review the following information carefully to gain an understanding of the process and timeline you are commiting to follow when you submit this application.
Review Process:
- All proposals are submitted into a double-blinded review process that is completed by a group of volunteers in the PRC. GBTA Staff do not review or score proposals.
- The proposals are then twice scored by the PRC in two rounds of review, followed by an in-person meeting to discuss all the proposals at length and make the final selections for the education program.
Who can be a reviewer?
- We invite all types of industry roles to participate on the PRC to ensure a wide variety of perspectives and experiences are incorporated into the decision making process and education session program.
- Reviewers are still welcome to submit proposal(s). Reviewers will not review their own submissions to avoid a conflict of interest.
- All proposal and scoring information must remain confidential throughout the entire review process.
Timeline and Commitment:
January 8 OR 9, 2025 (Pick One): Mandatory Reviewer Training
- Attend virtual 45-min training (via Zoom) to learn about the review process and scoring system.
- Meeting invitation to be sent upon confirmation of your participation.
January 13-February 3, 2025: First Round of Review
- Review one (1) track/topic from list below.
- The average number of proposals to review can range from 15-70, depending on the interest of the topic.
- Reviewing each proposal can take anywhere from 10-15 minutes in order to provide thoughtful scoring and feedback.
If you have any questions about the review process, please email