If you are dissatisfied with the action of this office, you may appeal to the Warren County Board of Supervisors, Court House, Indianola, Iowa.
We will consider this application without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, religion, national origin, or political belief.
If you feel you have been the object of such discrimination, you may file a complaint in letter form with the Warren County Board of Supervisors, Administration Building, Indianola, Iowa.
All applicants and/or recipients have the right to confidential treatment of information concerning their situation; however, it should be understood that such information may be shared with other employees of Warren County, including the Warren County Board of Supervisors. A certain amount of information may need to be released to direct providers of service, such as pharmacies, hospitals, doctors, landlords, utility providers, etc., in order to authorize release of goods to the client. In certain instances when the General Relief employee is working cooperatively with other agencies, i.e., Veterans Affairs, Community Action Center, and/or County department, certain information may be released in order to complete transactions.