All terms and other guidelines may be modified by NORA based on program priorities. All updates to this solicitation will be posted on NORA’s website at
This grant has a two-phase application process:
Part A: Pre-Application (for confirmation of applicant eligibility and project appropriateness)
Part B: Grant Application Submission (to assess project)
Eligible providers are required to submit a Part B application to properly assess the project. NORA will accept one Part B application per qualified site provider starting September 4, 2024, by online submission.
Web based portal submissions are preferred. PDF applications are available upon request with application and required supporting attachments uploaded via OneDrive. Application and OneDrive link should be requested from NORA at least one week prior to the deadline in order to submit application in this format.
Additional Requirements: NORA reserves the right to add any and all requirements that are needed to effectuate the goals of this program or comply with any legal requirements. All activities must comply with city, state, and federal codes, rules, and regulations. NORA reserves the right to amend the instructions, requirements, or scope of eligible uses. Copies of such amendments shall be posted to NORA’s website. Further, NORA may waive certain provisions of these requirements based upon a determination of the public benefits of the project.
Publication and Promotion: Successful applicants agree to participate in any reasonable promotional activity and to prominently display NORA signage on the site if requested. Such signage may be as large as standard real estate “For Sale” signage and shall be provided by NORA.
Proprietary Information: As a public agency, NORA is subject to the disclosure requirements of the Public Records Act, La.R.S. 44:1, et seq. Only information which is in the nature of legitimate trade secrets or non-published financial data may be deemed proprietary or confidential. Any material within a submission identified as such must be clearly marked as CONFIDENTIAL and will be handled in accordance with the Louisiana Public Records Act, R.S. 44: 1-44 and applicable rules and regulations. Any submission marked as CONFIDENTIAL in its entirety may be rejected without further consideration or recourse.
Cost of Preparing Submission: NORA shall not be liable for any costs incurred by applicants. Costs associated with developing the proposal, or any other expenses incurred by the applicant in connection with this application are entirely the responsibility of the applicant and shall not be reimbursed in any manner by NORA.
Errors and Omissions in Proposal: NORA shall not be liable for any errors in proposals. NORA has the right to request clarification or additional information from the applicants. The application and proposal of selected applicants may become part of any agreement initiated by NORA.
Contact and References: Applicants must provide accurate contact information and attest to the veracity of the information supplied. NORA and AFC expect to conduct site visits. At its discretion, NORA staff may contact references and industry sources, investigate current commitments, interview some or all of the proposed team members, and take any other information into account in its evaluation of the responses. NORA reserves the right to request clarification or additional information and to request that applicants make presentations to the NORA Board of Commissioners.
Completeness of Application: If the application is missing any of the required attachments at the time it is submitted to NORA, the application will be returned to the applicant for correction and may be resubmitted anytime during the grant application period. NORA may ask for clarification on the submitted materials at its own discretion