Employer Solutions Services. Inc. management is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. In keeping with this commitment, we will not tolerate any form of harassment or unlawful discrimination against our employees or contracted vendors by anyone, including supervisors, other employees, vendors, clients, or customers. All employees are expected to avoid any behavior or conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as unlawful harassment of employees or persons who do business with Employer Solutions Services. Inc.. Employer Solutions Services. Inc. expects that all relationships among persons (employees and/or contractors) working here will be business-like and free of bias, prejudice and harassment.
What is Harassment?
Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that is based upon a person's protected status, such as gender, color, race, ancestry, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, or other protected status. Harassment includes conduct that belittles, degrades, or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her protected status.
Sexual harassment deserves special mention. Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical, verbal, or visual conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment.
This conduct is unlawful when:
1. Submission to the conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment,
2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision, or
3. The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. Sexual harassment may include such action as:
- Foul or obscene language or gestures; display of foul or obscene printed or visual material;
- Physical contact such as patting, pinching, brushing against another's body, touching
- Sexually-oriented verbal "kidding," "teasing," or jokes
- Demands or requests for sexual favors; or
- Persistent verbal or text messages, social network confrontations or harassment which is interpreted as creating a hostile or intimidating environment.
While such conduct generally can amount to sexual harassment only if it is both unwelcome and either severe or pervasive, Employer Solutions Services. Inc. nonetheless discourages any such conduct in the workplace, regardless of the circumstances, and has adopted a stance of ZERO TOLERANCE for such behavior. It is the policy of Employer Solutions Services. Inc. that physical displays of affection such as kissing, holding hands, etc., are inappropriate behavior on company property; violators of this policy will be informed and suitable disciplinary action will be taken. Everyone at Employer Solutions Services. Inc., is expected to avoid any behavior or conduct that could be interpreted as unlawful harassment. All employees/contractors should also understand the importance of informing management whenever they are subjected to an individual's behavior which is unwelcome, offensive, in poor taste, or inappropriate.
Reporting Harassment
If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed discrimination or harassment, you are to notify immediately: your supervisor; local Branch office Manager, who will take steps to ensure that your report is properly investigated. There will be NO RETALIATION allowed against anyone for reporting discrimination or harassment, or for cooperating with an investigation of a complaint of discrimination or
harassment. The policy of Employer Solutions Services. Inc. is to investigate each complaint promptly and to keep complaints and the result of our investigation confidential to the fullest extent practicable. If an investigation confirms that a violation of this policy has occurred, then appropriate corrective actions, including disciplinary measures, will be taken. In investigating complaints of harassment under this policy, the Company may impose discipline for inappropriate conduct without regard to whether the conduct constitutes a violation of the law and even if that conduct does not rise to the level of violation of this policy. The Company will advise interested parties of the outcome of an investigation, although not necessarily all details of the actions the Company has taken to maintain a harassment-free environment.
I, the undersigned employee of Employer Solutions Services. Inc., hereby confirm and acknowledge that I have read and I understand the above Non-Discrimination and AntiHarassment Policy. I agree to abide by it and understand that any violation of it may be grounds for the immediate termination of my employment.
I, the undersigned employee of Employers Solutions Services. Inc, hereby confirm and acknowledge that I have read and understand the above Hazard Communication. I agree to abide by it and understand that any violation of it may ground for the immediate termination of my employment.