These services will be provided at no cost to you and will be funded by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training Program, the county, and participating agencies. If you choose to take this opportunity, you may also be provided assistance with transportation, books/supplies, work clothing or uniforms, childcare, and other costs related to participating as funding permits. You may be exempt from participation if there is no funding available to provide these supports. Supportive services may continue for up to 90-days after getting a job if you stay connected to our SNAP Employment and Training provider. Contact is once a month, or more as needed, via text, email, phone, or in person with us and/or our partner agency. Since this is a voluntary program, you are not required to participate to continue receiving Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) benefits. If you would like to be a part of this program, please read and sign this statement: | understand that this is a voluntary program, and it does not affect my FNS benefits. While I understand that this is a voluntary program, I agree to fully participate in order to increase my chances of finding employment or getting a better job.