Hair, Skin and Nails
Esthetic DNA Questionnaire
1. How do you identify?
Choose not to answer
2. What age group do you belong to?
Under 18
65 and older
3. What is your biggest challenge when choosing products for your hair, skin, or nails?
Finding products suited to my specific needs.
Dealing with side effects or allergies.
Identifying high-quality, effective products.
Avoiding products with harsh chemicals or ingredients.
4. How do you currently monitor the health of your hair, skin, and nails?
Regular professional consultations (dermatologist, stylist, etc.)
Tracking symptoms or changes on my own.
Using an app or tracking tool.
I don’t actively monitor them.
5. Have you experienced difficulty finding effective solutions for specific issues like dry skin, hair loss, or brittle nails?
Yes, Often
No, I haven’t experienced these issues.
6. How often do you consult a professional about your hair, skin, or nail health?
Regularly (once a month or more).
Occasionally (a few times a year).
Rarely (once a year or less).
7. What factors give you confidence that a product will work for your hair, skin, or nails? (Choose up to two)
Positive reviews or recommendations.
Specific ingredients known to work for me.
Dermatologist or professional recommendation.
Products tailored to my personal characteristics (e.g., genetic factors)
Brand reputation and trustworthiness.
8. Would you use an app that could help identify potential hair, skin, or nail disorders based on your DNA analysis?
Yes, definitely.
Possibly, if it’s accurate and secure.
Dermatologist or professional recommendation.
Not sure.
No, I wouldn’t use it.
9. What type of information about your hair, skin, or nails would you find most valuable if it were available through an app?
Detailed analysis of my current hair, skin, or nail health.
Product recommendations tailored to my specific issues.
Long-term health tracking and progress monitoring.
Identification of potential underlying issues or disorders.
DIY tips or expert advice for daily care.
10. When choosing beauty or wellness products, how important is it to you that they are personalized to your needs?
Extremely important – I prioritize personalized products.
Somewhat important – I prefer personalized options, but it’s not essential.
Neutral – I don’t mind either way.
Not important – I prefer general products.
11. What are your main concerns about using health data in an app for beauty recommendations?
Data privacy and security.
Potential misuse of my personal information.
Accuracy and reliability of the recommendations.
I don’t have concerns.
12. Please provide any additional feedback, recommendations or questions you may have for us.
Thank you for your feedback!
Please verify that you are human
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