RENEWAL - You/your whole unit are interested in renewing their lease for the next lease term.
PARTIAL RENEWAL - You and some of your roommates are interested in renewing for the next lease term but you need to swap in some new people. It is the responsibility of renewing tenants to find new roommates for the next lease term if the full group does not renew.
RENEWAL TRANSFER - You, and possibly some (or all roommates) want to stay with Hometeam but move to another unit.
PASS DOWN - You/your whole unit DO NOT want to renew your lease, but you know of a group that should get Priority Status on taking your rental unit for the next lease term. The group you tell us about will get a chance to rent your unit BEFORE it goes on the market. In addition, we'll waive their application fees if they execute a lease by 10/31.
NON RENEWAL - Nobody in the unit plans to renew. You are ALL moving out come the end of your lease and do not wish to be contacted about renewing. Future residents can begin taking tours of your unit as soon as leasing season begins for future leases.