Refund Policy
A 95% refund is made if notice is given to Camp Utmost no later than the start of the week registered for. No refund will be made once the camp starts. Canceled online store deposits and merchandise purchases will be refunded at 95% to compensate for fees Camp Utmost must pay. All refunds are processed after the camp week registered for ends. We do not prorate fees for attending only a part of the camp week.
Parent/Guardian Authorization, Medical, Covid-19, Liability, Discipline Policy and Photo/Video Release
As parent or legal guardian of the camper under the age of 18 being registered, or for myself being over the age of 18, I hereby grant permission for the above named camper to attend Camp Utmost and consent to its Discipline Policy. I also do hereby release Camp Utmost and Rocky Mountain Bible Mission (RMBM) from any and all liability or responsibility relating to any injury or sickness that he/she/I may incur as the result of, or arising in any way from, attending Camp Utmost, participation in activities at or under the direction of Camp Utmost. I am fully aware and consent to accept these risks and voluntarily agree to allow his/her/my participation in activities. If I cannot be consulted in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by a representative of Camp Utmost or RMBM to hospitalize, secure treatment for, and to order injections, anesthesia, and/or surgery for the person named above. I understand that Camp Utmost only carries secondary insurance and that I will take primary responsibility for any fees or charges at any clinic, facility, or hospital arising from treatment of injury or illness.
The undersigned further acknowledges and agrees that, due to the nature of the facilities, services, and programs offered by, Camp Utmost, social distancing among campers, staff and others in our camp setting is not possible. The undersigned fully understands and appreciates both the known and potential dangers of utilizing the facilities, services, and programs of Camp Utmost and acknowledges participating campers may, despite Camp Utmost’s reasonable efforts to mitigate such dangers, result in exposure to COVID-19 or other viruses which could result in serious illness.
The signee agrees to RMBM’s and Camp Utmost’s disciplinary policies and agrees to adhere to its gender identification policy while attending Camp Utmost. I furthermore understand Camp Utmost often takes photographs or videos of participants during its activities or events. I grant permission without compensation that these photographs and/or videos may be used in publications, presentations, websites and promotion of Camp Utmost and Rocky Mountain Bible Mission. Camp Utmost will not identify me or my child by name, nor release any other personal information without additional written permission from me.