1. Terms and Conditions: Please thoroughly read the terms and conditions. They are crucial for your participation.
Terms and Conditions
Stall pricing 2024.
All outside food stalls are 3 x 3 metres.
3 x 3 $312.00 (incl GST)
2. If you have special needs in relation to stall placement or anything else then please let us know in the Special Requirements and Requests section of the form.
3. One image is required for food stalls.
We have reduced the maximum image size to 1 megabyte which is more than enough for our needs (social media, product assessment and so on)
If you need an easy way to prepare your images then we suggest using Spark by Adobe. It is online, free (you do need an account) and easy to use. Find Spark here:
4. Stall Space: We cannot guarantee that you will have the same stall space as in 2023 should you be invited to this years fair.
5. We are so very pleased to be the Fair to you in 2024!