Apply to Partner with Us
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Where are you currently living? City & Country
If you were to imagine living your Ideal, F*ck Yes!, absolutely THRIVING Life, what would you envision for yourself? Hint (Dream Big. Don’t limit yourself. Think in terms of Health, Relationships, Experiences, Finances, Business, Living Situation, etc.)
What are the 3 biggest challenges that you feel are in the way from you living your ideal THRIVING life?
What are your primary business, financial & lifestyle goals right now?
What kinds of things do you feel are currently in the way of you achieving these goals right now?
How much time are you prepared to commit to building a business right now?
less than 5 hrs/wk
5-10 hrs/wk
10-20 hrs/wk
20-40 hrs/wk
I will do whatever it takes to be successful!
Most businesses require some degree of startup financial investment. How much are you prepared to invest into the startup of your business to be profitable in the first month?
Less than $200
$200 - $500
$500 - $1000
I am willing to invest whatever it takes to be successful
How committed are you to overcoming your challenges & reaching your business, financial & lifestyle goals? Rate yourself from 0 - 10. (0 = not committed at all & 10 = I am committed to doing whatever it takes to make it happen!)
Should be Empty: