Here's a short summary of what each role entails:
Lead Tournament Organizer (TO)*
The Leader of a Game's Event. Responsible for planning, promotion, organizing & running brackets for the event. Also responsible for staffing the event with Commentators & additional Bracket Runners as needed. Works closely with 956P to organize the event & communicate between the Game's Event's other volunteers. Works with the Streamer to ensure the event runs smoothly.
Bracket Runner†
Assists the Lead Tournament Organizer to run brackets for the event. Usually only needed for larger events. This is a great role for folks who just want to help out somewhere, without any particular game in mind.
Main Streamer for the event. Provides equipment needed to stream the event, and the audio gear for commentators. Also ensures that stream overlays are functional, and works with 956P & commentators to ensure required sponsor reads are made. Works in tandem with the Lead TO as leaders for the Game's Event.
Restreams the Main Streamer's livefeed. Usually used for alternate language streams.
Folks on the mic. Ideally commentators are dedicated to commentary, & are not running or streaming the event.
Chat Moderator†
Helps moderate stream chats for streamers, in accordance with the Vortex Gallery Code of Conduct. Another role great for folks who want to help the event in general.
Social Media Support†
Helps 956 Productions with creating live highlights for the event, & crafting social media posts.
Helps 956 Productions with translating information into different languages, & communicating with players & staff.
Other Staff Assistance†
Basically anything that doesn't fit in the above roles, such as:
- Stream Assistant: Assists Streamer with stuff.
- Vortex Gallery Support: Supports 956 Productions in running Vortex Gallery.
*: Please note that the Lead TOs & Streamers have additional responsibilities to help plan & prepare for the event before the start dates of Vortex Gallery. We will be working with these heads in the months leading up to Vortex Gallery to ensure a smooth event, & require all Lead TOs & Streamers to be active in the Staff Discord.
†: These roles are great for folks who want to help the event in general, without being attached to any particular game(s).